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Юрий Низовцев - The United States against Russia. Whether everything is so obvious here?

The United States against Russia.Whether everything is so obvious here?

Chapter 1

Who is right: Westerners or isolationists?

That's really for 300 years, since Peter I, Russia aims to become as the rightful European power, believing that if it is "wedged" into Europe geographically, it has right on this, forgetting that till XVIII century Russia was provincial east country and it didn't take part in any European affairs.

As a result, it didn't turn out anything at Russia, except visibility. Russia was only used: at first – by Germans and the Austrians, then – by British, and then – by all together, led by the USA. How many the Russian people were killed in wars absolutely unnecessary for Russia knows only one God.

I mean under the term "the Russian people" mix of Slavs, Ugro-Finnish, Turki and other nationalities formed during many hundreds of years on immense open spaces of Russia from the Carpathians to Kuriles and from the tundra to Central Asia, who have perceived not necessarily customs of the Slavs, but obligatory – Russian language and the Russian culture.

It seems, practice showed for a long time the full idiocy of aspiration of Russia to rightful cooperation with the Anglo-Saxon world assuming Russians as plebeians, gun meat, their highest layer – as selling and the despicable, but considering of themself – as inspired divinely, which are only capable to manage by the rest world. Only here the Anglo-Saxon world controls this world by means of promises, direct deception, enslaving loans, exclusive arrangements, an open robbery, gunboats, bribery of governors of other countries, inclined to corruption, etc.

But Russia still cannot calm down and realize the situation. She again recently made another attempt to join the "high" European civilization. This happened in 1991. The result we all know: Russia, as always, was deceived, its infrastructure largely destroyed, the population began to die out, the persons of administration turned into a vile compradors, exporting abroad accumulated over all the years of Russian wealth and natural resources, dividing it all together beforehand and decided to myself that if not the country, so at least we'll move with families with stolen money into "happy" West in any case.

By low literacy levels, they do not know that similar has happened near 1917: a lot of "smart guys" moved their capital abroad even before the October Revolution, and their capitals were no small, in terms of current dollars they were in many cases billions. However, with the minor exception, by 1929 all of these capitals disappeared somewhere, somewhere were being dissolved completely by legitimate way. The West does not recognize strangers and fleecing them as soon as possible, without sovereign support.

Some awareness of deeds came to the Russian authorities not so long ago, but whether late? And what the swindlers of all colors who sat down at all levels of control of Russia can make even something good, if only, in the manner of Peter I, not to beat them up to death for bribes?

Anglo-Saxons, having a higher level of consciousness than Russian, which they were accumulating for about the millennium in permanent development and what allowed them to create the most strong, technically equipped, educated civilization with the initiative population, nevertheless, strongly don't hold out to the level of consciousness in case of which it is a shame to plunder feeble for the sake of own short-time – private life is too short – prosperity. And this prosperity is rather doubtful, judging by the continuous degradation of Western society, completely having forgotten of precepts of Christ at the hypocritical church services and praise to the Divine stranger, replacing its own population by alien Arabs, Africans, etc. However, they claim that everything is correct because goes according to objective laws of social development, but in fact, they reduce the practical activities by the most primitive way to the right of the strong.